The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ( Guangzhou )

人工智能学域依托港科大雄厚的科研背景,致力于开展人工智能基础及应用研究,旨在培养具备过硬专业技能、拥有跨学科能力及国际视野的高层次研究与应用型人才。 人工智能学域汇集了一支高水平师资队伍,积极推进跨学科研究,努力构建基于大湾区面向国际并具有港科大特色的人工智能研究生态体系。积极实现“人”才培养, “工”学新用,“智”慧创新,“能”赋未来。


Message From Thrust Acting Head:

Lei Chen
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Dear all, welcome to the AI Thrust! We are delighted to have you join us as we continue to advance the frontiers of Artificial Intelligence. Our thrust proudly hosts a distinguished team of 4 chair professors, 3 associate professors, and 12 assistant professors. Our faculty members are engaged in ground-breaking research across a wide spectrum of areas including data mining, business intelligence, mobile computing, big data in human resources, quantum communication, quantum entanglement, quantum error mitigation, and quantum machine learning. Additionally, we focus on accountable machine learning, human-ML collaborations, multimodal perception fusion, machine consciousness, LLM mechanisms and faithful AI, AI for science, computer vision, machine learning, trustworthy large language model exploration, and the distillation and acceleration of large language models. Our research extends to spatiotemporal data mining, graph learning, reinforcement learning with applications in urban computing, intelligent transportation, and recommender systems. We also delve into few-shot learning, AI security and transferability, and their applications in audio-visual speech recognition/generation and AI medical imaging. The design and analysis of networked control systems are also a significant focus, integrating concepts from distributed optimization, networked control theory, machine learning, and privacy preservation. Furthermore, our research encompasses Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), AI-powered perception and generation algorithms for the multimodal domain, computer vision, computational photography, deep learning, and intelligent systems, particularly in self-driving cars, robotics, large models, and AIGC. We offer three comprehensive programs: Ph.D. in AI, MPhil in AI, and Bachelor in AI. Our interdisciplinary research spans various fields such as AI in Design, Business, Smart Living, Smart Cities, Talent Intelligence, Finance, Security and Privacy, Manufacturing, and Transportation, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve. Over the past two years, we have successfully secured funding at both national and provincial levels. We have also established several joint laboratories with industry partners, fostering AI research with real-life applications and enhancing the impact of our work. We enthusiastically welcome you to join us and contribute to the exciting and transformative research in the AI era. Warm regards from Lei CHEN, Acting Head of the AI Thrust


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  •  本科书院制
  •  贯通式培养
  •  跨文化竞争力培养
  •  交叉融合学科专业


  • 人工智能学域致力于开展人工智能基础研究和一系列涉及人工智能技术的应用研究项目,推动经济转型和社会发展。
  • 博士研究生实行申请制,学生将在导师的带领下进行为期三至四年的学习与研究。

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