LIU Hao 刘浩


  前百度研究院资深研究员 —— Former Senior Researcher of Baidu Research Institute

  CCF-A类会议 SIGKDD、NeurIPS、WebConf、IJCAI、AAAI 等程序委员会(高级)委员 —— (Senior) Program Committee Member of top conference, e.g., SIGKDD, NeurIPS, WebConf, IJCAI, AAAI

  KDD Cup 2019 出题人 —— Organizer of KDD Cup 2019 Regular Machine Learning Track

  入选福布斯中国 30U30 精英榜 —— Named in Forbes 30 Under 30 China 2021 List


刘浩,香港科技大学(广州)人工智能学域助理教授,前百度研究院资深研究员,百度地图多模态智能出行引擎项目研发负责人。任CCF-A类会议 SIGKDD、NeurIPS、WebConf、IJCAI、AAAI 等程序委员会委员。主要研究方向为数据挖掘及人工智能前沿应用,近5年发表 CCF A 类论文 50 余篇,含第一/通讯作者 20 篇。是近五年唯一持续以第一作者身份在 KDD 发表论文的学者。申请发明专利 50 项(含 17 项美国专利),已公开 33 项,已授权 5 项。其相关技术实际应用到百度地图、新华社中国幸福城市评选、开源深度学习平台飞桨等产品项目,为超过2亿居民提供超过50亿次智能服务,被70余家媒体报道,相关微博话题阅读超过3亿人次。入选国家高层次青年人才计划,福布斯中国 30U30 精英榜等。另主持国家自然科学基金一项。

Hao Liu received his Ph.D. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2017. He is currently an assistant professor at the Artificial Intelligence Thrust, HKUST (Guangzhou), and an Affiliated Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST (Clear Water Bay). Dr. Liu’s research interests include spatiotemporal data mining, graph learning, reinforcement learning, and their applications on urban computing, intelligent transportation, and recommender systems. In the past two years, he has filed over 50 Chinese/U.S. patents and published over 20 research papers at prestigious journals and conferences, such as TKDE, SIGKDD, SIGIR, WebConf, VLDB, AAAI, and IJCAI. He also regularly served as the reviewer and (senior) program committee member of many top-tier journals and conferences, such as IEEE TKDE, IEEE TITS, TRC, ACM SIGKDD, AAAI, and IJCAI. In addition, he is the organizer and questioner of the KDD Cup 2019 Machine Learning competition, which has been well-recognized as the world’s top data science competition in the past twenty years. Many of his works have been deployed on real-world products and influenced the daily lives of millions of residents in China. For instance, the multi-modal transportation engine he proposed has been deployed on Baidu Maps and has served over five billion routing requests issued by 200 million distinct users from 2019 to 2020. For his research on intelligent transportation and urban computing, he was named in Forbes 30 Under 30 China list for science and healthcare 2021.

Honors & Awards​


Relevant technologies have been applied to products such as Baidu Map, Xinhua News Agency’s selection of China’s Happiest City, PaddlePaddle, etc., provided 5 billion+ times smart services for 200 million+ residents, and have been reported by 70+ media, related Weibo topics was read by 300 million+ people.

Research Interest

•  数据挖掘 Data Mining

•  人工智能前沿应用 Frontier Applications Of Artificial Intelligence

   强化学习 Reinforcement Learning

•   智能交通 Intelligent Transportation