LIU Li 刘李


IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, NeurIPS, CVPR, AAAI等国际期刊以及会议审稿人 —— Reviewer of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, NeurIPS, CVPR, AAAI, etc.
国际电机电子工程师学会(IEEE)及信号处理协会会员 —— Member of IEEE, IEEE Signal Processing Society
中科院自动化所模式识别与人工智能专委会委员 —— Member of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences
以第一作者身份或通讯作者发表顶级期刊和会议论文30余篇 —— Published more than 30 top-tier journal and conference papers 
项目负责人:国家、省自然科学基金、阿里巴巴创新研究基金、腾讯公益创投计划 —— PI of National, provincial natural science funding, Alibaba Innovative Research grant and Tencent Technology Venture Philanthropy Program


刘李,香港科技大学(广州)人工智能学域助理教授。任国际电机电子工程师学会(IEEE)及信号处理协会会员,中科院自动化所模式识别与人工智能专委会委员。主要学术研究方向为小样本学习、AI安全性及迁移性、多模态语音图像分析等,以第一作者身份或通讯作者发表顶级期刊和会议论文近30篇。任IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, CVPR, IJCAI, ICASSP等国际期刊以及会议审稿人。获法国Sephora Berribi数学与计算机领域女性科学家奖、法国语音协会(AFCP) 青年研究者奖学金、法国EEATS博士研究生院最佳报告奖、2022年深圳市优秀论文奖等荣誉。任国家、省自然科学基金、阿里巴巴创新研究基金、及腾讯公益创投计划项目负责人。

Dr. Li Liu is an assistant professor at Artificial Intelligence Thrust, Information Hub, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). She obtained her Ph.D. degree in 2018 from Gipsa-lab, University Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble, France. Her main research interests include few-shot learning, AI Security and Transferability, and their applications in audio-visual speech recognition/generation and AI medical Imaging. As the first author or corresponding author, she has published about 30 papers in top journals and conferences in related fields, including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, NeurIPS, ECCV, MICCAI and ICASSP etc. In 2017, she won the French Sephora Berribi Scholarship for Female Scientists in Mathematics and Computers (totally four in the world, two in France and two in Israel). In the same year, she was awarded a scholarship for young researchers by the French Voice Association (AFCP). Her research has been funded by several scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Youth Fund, Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of Youth Science Fund, Shenzhen Excellent Science and Technology Innovation Talent Doctoral Entrepreneurship Project, Alibaba Innovation Research Fund and Tencent Technology Venture Philanthropy Program. In 2022, her two papers were selected as the Shenzhen Excellent Science and Technology Academic Papers.

Honors & Awards

• CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金学者

Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird Scholar 

• 获得2022年深圳市优秀论文奖,深圳市人工智能学会
Shenzhen Excellent Paper Award, Shenzhen AI Society
• 法国Sephora Berribi数学与计算机领域女性科学家奖, 2017
International Sephora Berribi Award for Women Scientists, 2017
• 法国语音协会(AFCP) 青年研究者奖学金, 2017
Young Researcher Scholarship, French Phonetics Association (Association Francophone de la Communication Parlee, AFCP), 2017
• 法国EEATS博士研究生院最佳报告奖(The best poster award), 2016
The Best Poster Award, EEATS Doctoral School in France, 2016

Research Interest

 •  小样本学习  Few-shot Learning

 •  AI安全性及迁移性  Security and Transferability of DNNs

 •  多模态语音图像分析  Multi-modal Audio-visual Processing