YANG Qiang 杨强


• Fellow of Royal Society of Canada and Canadian Academy of Engineering 

• AAAI Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IAPR Fellow, IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, CAAI Fellow

• Chairman of the TSC Committee, Federated Learning Open Source Community FATE

• President, Hong Kong AI and Robotics Society (HKSAIR)

• AAAI Executive Council Member; General Chair, AAAI 2021, Vancouver, Canada


杨强,香港科技大新明工程学讲座教授,计算机科学与工程系主任,同时是香港科大大数据研究所主任。他曾经是华为诺亚方舟实验室主任(2012-2014)。他是AAAI Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, IAPR Fellow和ACM杰出科学家。他的主要研究兴趣是人工智能和数据挖掘。杨强于1982年毕业于北京大学天体物理专业,获得学士学位。分别于1985年 和1987年毕业于美国马里兰大学的计算机系和天文学系,获得双硕士学位。于1989年毕业于马里兰大学计算机系,获得计算机博士学位。自1989年到 1995先后任滑铁卢大学的助理教授和副教授,1995年到2001年在加拿大西蒙·弗雷泽(Simon Fraser)大学先后任副教授,正教授一职,同期担任NSERC工业研究主任。自2001年,在香港科技大学先后任副教授,正教授一职。他出版过三本 书,包括最近由清华大学出版的《学术研究- 你的成功之路》(与凌晓峰教授共同著作),发表了300多篇关于人工智能和数据挖掘的论文。在2004年和2005年,他指导的队伍赢得了KDDCUP等比赛的冠军。他曾受邀在众多国际会议 (如WSDM2013, SDM2012, IJCAI 2009, ACL 2009 和ACML 2009)上做主题演讲。杨强是多本国际期刊的编委,是ACM TIST的创始主编,是IEEE 大数据期刊创始主编,还是IEEE Intelligent Systems,IEEE TKDE (2005-2009),AI Magazine 等期刊的编委。此外,他也是很多人工智能和数据挖掘相关会议的组织者以及程序联合主席,如 2012年在北京举办的ACM 国际数据挖掘大会(KDD 2012) 的会议主席, 以及ACM KDD 2010,ACM RecSys 2013, ACM IUI 2010,ICCBR2001等会议的主席。他是国际人工智能大会(IJCAI) 的董事会成员和2015年在阿根廷举办 IJCAI 会议的程序委员会主席, 同时在2016年被选为AAAI执行委员会委员。在2017年, 他获得ACM SIGKDD的杰出贡献奖,同年被选为IJCAI理事会主席。

Qiang Yang is the head of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), where he is a New Bright Endowed Chair Professor of Engineering. He is also the director of HKUST’s Big Data Institute.  Between 2012 and 2014, he was a founding director of the Huawei Noah’s Ark Research Lab. His research interests are artificial intelligence including machine learning and data mining.  He is a fellow of AAAI, IEEE, IAPR and AAAS. He received his PhD from Computer Science Department of the University of Maryland, College Park in 1989. He had been an assistant/associate professor at the University of Waterloo between 1989 and 1995, and a professor and NSERC Industrial Research Chair at Simon Fraser University in Canada from 1995 to 2001. He has been an invited speaker at IJCAI 2009, ACL 2009, ACML 2009 and ADMA 2008 and 2012, SDM 2012, WSDM 2013, etc. He was elected as a vice chair of ACM SIGART/SIGAI between 2010 and 2014.  He was the founding Editor in Chief of the ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) and the founding EiC of IEEE Transactions on Big Data. He is on the editorial board of IEEE Intelligent Systems and several other international journals(IEEE, TKDE (2005-2009), AI Magazine, etc.). He has served as a PC co-chair and general co-chair of several international conferences, including ACM KDD 2010 and 2012, ACM RecSys 2013, ACM IUI 2010, ICCBR 2001, etc.  He was the Program Committee Chair for IJCAI 2015 and was elected to be an AAAI Executive Council member in 2016.  In 2017, he receives the SIGKDD Distinguished Service Award. He currently serves as the president of IJCAI’s board of trustees.

Honors & Awards

• Distinguished Service Award, IJCAI 2023

• PAKDD 2019 Best Paper Award, 2019

• Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Award, 2018, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), USA.

• 2018 Best Paper Award, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems (ACM TiiS)

• ACM SIGKDD Distinguished Service Award, 2017 

• Two champions, Nokia Mobile Data Challenge (Nokia MDC), 2012

• ACM CIKM-2011 Best Interdisciplinary Paper Award: Ou Jin, Nathan Nan Liu, Yong Yu and Qiang Yang. Transferring Topical Knowledge from Auxiliary Long Text for Short Text Understanding. Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (ACM CIKM 2011). Glasgow, UK. Oct 2011.

• Third place in the rating prediction of ACM KDDCUP 2011, Yahoo! Music Recommendation Challenge (Team Coach of Inner Peace team)

• Champion (Team Coach) of the 2005 ACM KDDCUP Competition on all three performance metrics. See related news item at the university and at KDNuggets

• Co-Champion for the System ARMS (with Kangheng Wu and Yunfei Jiang) for learning planning models First International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2005, Monterey, CA, USA

• Champion (Team Coach, Tied for #1 Overall) of the 2004 ACM KDDCUP Competition

• Co-winner of the 1996 Automated Software Engineering Conference best paper award

• Co-winner of the 1994 Canadian AI Conference, best paper award

Research Interest

•  Artificial Intelligence

•  Transfer Learning

•  Federated Learning

•  Machine Learning and Data Mining

•  etc.