WANG Lin 王林


视觉及机器人会议及期刊 CVPR, ICCV, IEEE TPAMI, NIPS, ICRA, IEEE TIP, IEEE RA-L等程序委员会委员 —— Program Committee Member of CVPR, ICCV, IEEE TPAMI, NIPS, ICRA, IEEE TIP, IEEE RA-L, etc.
深圳锐思科技专家顾问 —— Senior Members in CV And Robotics Conference and Journals
广州市元宇宙专家库成员 —— Consultant of Alpsentek Co., Ltd.
•  云从科技项目评审专家库成员 —— Metaverse Expertise in Guangzhou City

近三年发表高质量论文30余篇,部分研究成果用于工业领域 —— Published 30+ high quality papers in the recent 3 years, partially utilized in industries



王林,任香港科技大学(广州)人工智能学域本科事务主任、助理教授。毕业于韩国科学技术院(KAIST)主要学术研究方向为机器学习、基于新型相机的机器视觉、三维视觉及图形学、智能系统(XR,机器人)、视觉与人机交互等。近三年发表高质量论文30余篇,部分研究成果用于工业领域。任视觉及机器人会议及期刊 CVPR, ICCV, IEEE TPAMI, NIPS, ICRA, IEEE TIP, IEEE RA-L等程序委员会委员,并任深圳锐思科技专家顾问、广州市元宇宙专家库成员、云从科技项目评审专家库成员等。曾获KAIST博士最高研究成果奖、CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金学者等荣誉。

Dr. WANG Lin (Addison) is an Assistant Professor in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Thrust of Information Hub (GZ Campus) and an Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CWB Campus), HKUST. He got his Ph.D. Degree (with Highest Ph.D. Research Award) from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), majoring in AI-driven computer and robotic vision.  Dr. WANG had study and research experience in three departments, which makes him interested in the inter-disciplinary research problems aiming to integrate computer vision, graphics and HCI and further explore the combined potential for intelligent systems, such as autonomous driving and Metaverse. He had published many first-authored top-tier conference and journal works in computer vision and robotics fields, such as IEEE TPAMI, CVPR, etc.

Honors & Awards

• KAIST博士最高研究成果奖

Highest Ph.D. Research Award from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

• CCF-腾讯犀牛鸟基金学者

Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird Scholar 

Research Interest

•  机器学习 Machine Learning

•  多模态感知与融合  Multi-modal Sensing and Fusion 

•  三维视觉及图形学  3D Vision and Graphics

•  智能系统(XR. 机器人) Intelligent System (XR. Robot)

•  视觉与人机交互  Vision and Human-computer Interaction