Apostolos. I. RIKOS


•  波士顿大学和KTH皇家理工学院博士后研究员,KIOS卓越研究与创新中心研究讲师 —— Former Postdoctoral Researcher at Boston University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology,  former Research Lecturer at the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence.

•  Automatica、IEEE TAC、TCNS等多家高影响力期刊审稿人 —— Reviewer of various high-impact journals such as Automatica, IEEE TAC, TCNS.

•  欧洲控制会议副主编 —— Associate Editor of European Control Conference

在高影响力期刊上发表论文14篇,在知名会议上发表论文23篇 —— Authored 14 papers in leading, high-impact journals and presented 23 papers at renowned conferences


Apostolos. I. RIKOS,香港科技大学(广州)人工智能学域助理教授。他的研究兴趣在于分布式网络控制、分布式优化/学习、网络隐私和安全、网络无监督学习、算法分析。此前曾任波士顿大学和KTH皇家理工学院博士后研究员,以及KIOS卓越研究与创新中心研究讲师。在Automatica、IEEE TAC、TCNS等多家高影响力期刊担任审稿人,于高影响力期刊上发表论文14篇,于知名会议上发表论文23篇

Apostolos. I. RIKOS is Assistant Professor of Artificial Intelligence Thrust, HKUST (Guangzhou). His research interests is distributed network control, distributed optimization/learning, network privacy and security, network unsupervised learning and algorithm analysis.

Formerly, Dr.RIKOS was a Former Postdoctoral Researcher at Boston University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, as well a former Research Lecturer at the KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence. Served as a reviewer for a number of high-impact journals such as Automatica, IEEE TAC, TCNS, and published 14 papers in high-impact journals and 23 papers at well-known conferences.

Honors & Awards

• 曾获博士奖学金

Received PhD scholarship

• 多次获得参加著名的会议和于各大学进行研究访问的资助

Secured multiple travel grants for attending prestigious conferences and conducting research visits at various universities

Research Interest

•  分布式网络控制 Distributed network control

•  分布式优化/学习 Distributed optimization/learning

•  网络隐私与安全 Network privacy and security

•  网络隐无监督学习 Network unsupervised learning

•  算法分析 Algorithmic analysis